Hughes bro's are not trying to alter people's views on religion or any thing else.
They simply made a great watchable apocalyptic movie with marvelous actors and credible story. Relax and give it the credit it deserves.
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
This is by no way a bad movie, yes the plot is pretty simple and lacking depth. Notice all the 1 star rating people are just hating because it has something to do with the Bible lol. The acting is very well done. The visuals are also very nice. It's funny the world we live in where almost 90 percent of the one 1 star ratings are just because they can't get over the fact this movie has something to do with God and a Bible. This movie by no way forces any believes on the viewer.
'Sentiment: Negative âšī¸'
To be honest i thought i was going to enjoy this film. I was strongly wrong however. This is Washingtons worst role to date and a thorough let down on all sides technically. The Book of Eli was stupid as well as idiotic in that nothing made sense. The action, dialogue and casting was absolutely out of place and didn't serve any meaning or emotional response from me. It had this tone of being an MTV style movie that looked tacky and out place. And why did Gary Oldman want to take part in this gruelling and underly layered flop? I mean, he starred in The Dark Knight so surely seeing the quality of that compared to this he should have easily said no. But obviously not.